Training - Part #1
Every researcher added to the HPC ecosystem is automatically enrolled as a student in
FOSS101: Essentials of Free and Open Soruce Software
This (FREE, online and learn at your own pace) course offers an introduction to command line Linux and Git revision control system, and various aspects of file and data management and processing, traditional software compilation, designing automated workflows, and more.
A successful completion of FOSS101 is a pre-requisite for account creation in our HPC Shared Facility and as of 2022 January, it is eligible to earn a digital badge from Michigan Tech that may be displayed in LinkedIn and other professional platforms.
If not yet a member of the HPC ecosystem but have an interest in enrolling in this course and learning the above topics, please contact
Dr. Gowtham
Training - Part #2
Every researcher added to the HPC ecosystem is automatically enrolled as a student in
HPC101: Essentials of High-Performance Computing
Building further upon Michigan Tech's policy on the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources, this (FREE, online and do it at your own pace) module offers step by step training on topics such as remote access, data transfer, software compilation using EasyBuild, generating submission scripts and monitoring simulations. It will also serve as the End User License Agreement (EULA).
A successful completion of HPC101 is a pre-requisitte for running production-quality simulations.
Need something else?
Should there be a need to modify the submission scripts or generate them in bulk to meet a specific purpose, etc., researchers need to schedule a meeting with
Dr. Gowtham
This will help ensure such modifications are mistake-free and build a knowledge base for future use by other researchers.